French Course for Receptionists

Taaltraining voor onthaal en receptie, language training for receptionists, cours de langues pour réceptionnistes

Receptionists are the all important ‘first impression’ for any organization. In addition to providing the elements of efficient verbal and visual communication an effective receptionist must also deal expertly with even the most demanding of clients and customers.

Several phone lines are ringing, colleagues are asking questions and here comes a customer. Juggling so many tasks is trying at the best of times but functioning in a multi-lingual environment adds extra pressure. Understanding the linguistic nuances of the ‘meet and greet’ and coping with a variety of spontaneous questions would tax even the most competent of personnel. Semantics Language Course for Receptionists and Secretaries offers a highly interactive course for individuals or for teams who deal with both internal and external customers on a regular basis.

Practical details

  • Individual language course, semi-individual language lessons (2-3) or a group course (4-6)
  • Packages of 30, 38 or 44 hours
  • Flexible schedule
  • Free preliminary screening
  • Language Classes at your workplace or language lessons at our language school in Brussels (Etterbeek)
Individual Semi-individual Group

Want to know more?

Hendrik Vanderheeren
32 (0)2 307 37 50

Contact us


  • Improved verbal communications at all levels
  • Welcoming visitors with a 5 star attitude
  • Ensuring a professional follow-up of incoming calls
  • Greater confidence when dealing with native speakers
  • Discretion and diplomacy when handling difficult situations
  • Understanding the finer details when organizing travel/hotels etc
  • Developing more satisfying working relationships with colleagues
Joyce Delville - Sidley Austin
Very useful, inspiring and work-related!

Contact us

Request more information about a suitable training without obligation. Send an email to or fill in the contact form.