The Meyers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a self-help assessment test and workshop, which helps people gain insights into how they work and learn. It is a framework for relationship-building, developing positivity, and achieving excellence. Each participant completes a questionnaire and is given a personalised booklet 'What a Personality'. This fascinating programme is delivered in an active, supportive and entertaining manner by the certified and experienced trainer.
MBTI Programme
Stage 1 Preparation
- Electronic completition of MBTI questionnaire (available in mother tongue of each participant)
- Generation of 'Reported Type' report
Stage 2 - Full day workshop (9h-17h)*
- Presentation of programme with explanation of the 4 MBTI preferences
- Self assessment compared to 'Reported Type'
- Active exercises on each of the preferences to explore qualities and pitfalls
- Where do I get my energy ?
- My preferred way of perceiving?
- My preferred way of deciding
- My preferred way of organising ?
Exchange of characteristics of MBTI type with a colleague.......getting to know each other
Function dynamics: evolution of each personality
Explanation of the different temperements and how they influence leadership style
Languages: English/Dutch & French
Minimum/maximum number of attendees: Up to 12
* Shorter workshops can also be organised for individuals