Public Speaking

Public Speaking

You may want coaching for a forthcoming speaking engagement, or assistance with the content and delivery of regular speeches or simply to improve your performance at internal or external meetings.

Typical Example of a 2-day Public Speaking workshop

Day 1 – 9.30am – 12.30 then 2pm – 5pm

  • overcoming nervousness & stress
  • pitch, pace, tone, diction and breathing
  • choosing your words for maximum impact
  • body language and personal style
  • using your voice more effectively
  • interpreting your audience

Day 2 – 9.30am – 12.30 then 2pm – 5pm

  • the opportunity to practice and assess your current strengths
  • dealing with difficult Q&A sessions
  • preparing and delivering presentations
  • media interview techniques

Language: English

Minimum level required: B1.2

Minimum/maximum number of attendees: 6

Please note we do NOT hold 'open' group courses - different organisations sending participants. Courses are based on requests from companies to form 'closed' groups for their personnel. This course is also suitable for individuals.


It could be argued that everyone should hone their public speaking skills at some point in their professional life, to prepare for job interviews, meetings, negotiations and networking. However, this course is particularly suitable for any individual who has to regularly present at conferences, address the press, give internal and external speeches, present to the board etc. Although Public Speaking is usually organised on a one to one basis, courses can be given in small groups if the needs are homogenous.

Customer overview

  • Entrepreneurs preparing for ‘Ted Talks’
  • European Parliament
  • European Commission


Our coach has lived in Brussels for over 18 years but prior to that her working life was in the marketing and media industry for BBC joint ventures in the UK. She has a Postgrad in Marketing from the Chartered Institute of Marketing in the UK. However, her journey to Brussels led her to develop a career in the NGO field, specifically in finance, administration, and HR. Later, she discovered her passion for teaching English as a parent of a bilingual family. She retrained with a CELTA and an MA TESOL from the Applied Linguistics department at Lancaster University in the UK. She developed a passion for sociolinguistics and communication-based methods of learning second languages. Her thesis was based on an individual case study of one of her student's challenges with dyspraxia and dysphasia which affect language abilities. This enriching experience has colored her teaching approach ever since.

Today, she is an established language and management training coach for specific work objectives such as presentations, interviews, improvisation, and fine-tuning of pronunciation. She has proven success in taking you to the next level in your presenting skills and your attitude towards presenting. You will achieve way beyond your own expectations, and you will finally be able to learn how to tackle your overly present nerves, anxiety, and stress when it comes to presenting. Like many voice coaches who think if you have a voice you can sing…she believes if you have a voice you can present…. but much better than you think.

Using her experience and her dynamic communication skills learned in the theatre, she has been delivering training of the highest quality for Semantics for over 7 years to the EC, European Parliament & law firms.

Want to know more?

Hendrik Vanderheeren
32 (0)2 307 37 50

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